
Costa Rica
Photo by Berti Benbanaste on Unsplash

Costa Rica is a treasure chest of natural beauty and curious wildlife. A quarter of the country is comprised of a protected jungle and this jungle makes up 5% of the world’s entire diversity.

It is, therefore, no surprise that Costa Rica is bursting with wildlife. Walking down the road you will hear hundreds of species of tropical birds and howler monkeys playing in the trees. In the rivers, keep your eyes peeled for crocodiles and wild cats stalking their prey. At night, thousands of fireflies light up the forest.

If you are feeling adventurous, you can hike Costa Rica’s impressive volcano. On the way down, you can relax in a natural hot spring and admire the lush jungle that surrounds you. The birdlife here is particularly spectacular and the reserve is famous for its orchids.

Finally, the natural beauty of Costa Rica yields colorful organic foods that are bursting with flavor and nutrients. Tuck into papayas, mangos, and watermelons, all grown fresh and locally. Costa Rica is the perfect place to indulge in good health and feel connected with nature in both body and soul.


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